Hi guys!!!
Today aother typical Easter recipe.
(doses for one pizza)
Fix: ••
Ingredienti per la brisè:
3 uova
12 cucchiai di olio d'oliva e 12 cucchiai di acqua
Farina quanto se ne assorbe l'impasto ed
un pizzico di sale
Ingredients for the Brisè:
3 eggs
12 tablespoons olive oil 12 tablespoons of water as it absorbs Flour the dough and
a pinch of salt.
Ingredienti per il ripieno:
200gr di ricotta o di capra o di pecora
200gr di formaggio scaldato
4 uova sode
2 uova intere
E a vostro piacimento salsiccia secca a cubetti, prezzemolo, sale e pepe q.b.
Ingredients for the filling:
200gr ricotta or goat or sheep
200gr warmed cheese
4 hard-boiled eggs
2 whole eggs
And at your convenience dry sausage into cubes, parsley, salt and pepper to taste.
knead the brisè and divide into two loaves are a slightly larger than the other. Pull the dough the largest cake and place in pan.
In a bowl mix all chopped and ingredients of the filling and salted and peppered to taste pour the mixture over pizza.
Roll out the second cake and place on pizza, siggillate edges.
Beat an egg with a bit of oil to brush on and holed the surface with a fork.
Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes or so.
Serve, serve and enjoy the dish!!!
Fashion Kisses.
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